Thursday 9 December 2010

My Mentor

My mentor is John Sendall, having already completed the Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons) degree with ARU achieving a 1st, he is the person i go to with any engineering problems at work or any difficulties with any subjects i am studying at college.  John started studying for a degree fulltime at university, having completed the equivalent modules to achieve an HND, he started working for the department of Chemistry.  I met John when i started working at the department of Chemistry 3 years ago.  At this time i started studying for an ONC in mechanical engineering, it was at this time John continued his studies towards the full degree he had started years before, only this time part time.  He completed this at the same time i finished my ONC.  He has been a great help to me over the years and i look up to him and prefer to go to him than my boss with work related issues.  He can be arrogant at times but having been on several out of work activities with him such as ski trips and holidays in the UK i feel i have enough of a rapport with him to work around this.  It sometimes gets in the way but i still choose him as my mentor.

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